The bank is climate responsible but there are areas for improvement
Beyond Bank offers an extensive variety of accounts, loans, and other valuable financial services for individuals, businesses, and communities.
As the first official certified B Corporation bank in Australia, Beyond Bank is committed to a triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental impact.
At the end of 2024, the bank is planning to launch a green loan product range to help customers benefit from the cost savings that come with investing in renewable energy.
We would like to see the bank finance renewable energy projects at scale.
We would also like to see it put in place an explicit exclusion policy stating it will never finance fossil fuel projects.
We were founded on the belief that banks have had an easy time from their customers for too long. Our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to take a stand - to refuse to let their money fuel environmental destruction any longer. Join us in building this movement by pressuring your bank to do better, or by taking your money to somewhere that cares about our planet's future.
Banks live and die on their reputations. Mass movements of money to fossil-free competitors puts those reputations at grave risk. By moving your money to a sustainable financial institution, you will:
Send a message to your bank that it must defund fossil fuels
Join a fast-growing movement of consumers standing up for their future
Take a critical climate action with profound effects