Your bank is climate responsible.
Beehive Money is a trading name of Nottingham Building Society. Nottingham Building Society has no commercial lending. It measures and discloses greenhouse gas impacts of its lending and has credible climate targets. We would like to see it articulate its plans to support a transition to a future in which buildings are cleaner and more efficient.
Bank.Green was founded on the belief that banks have had an easy time from their customers for too long.
Our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to take a stand - to refuse to let their money fuel environmental destruction any longer. Considering who you bank with, we think you probably agree. This is your chance to spread the word with us.
We can’t say it better than environmentalist Bill McKibben: “Money is the oxygen on which the fire of global warming burns.” But don’t wait for the fire department to turn up – join us!
Learn about the issues via our blog updates
Join our campaigns to take action against fossil finance
Discover other ways to divest from fossil fuels